Transport NSW will be issuing School Opal cards to students eligible for travel under the School Student Transport Scheme via an online application process. Term and replacement passes will also be issued by Transport NSW.
The online application portal will automatically assess eligibility based on the following distance rules: (Years 7-12: you must live outside 2.0km straight line distance from home to school or 2.9km walking distance or further).
Parents, guardians and students over 16 years of age who wish to apply for a School Opal Card must apply on line at transport nsw
For more information phone 131 500.
Busways Bus Company
Please note students issued with a School Opal Card need to tap on when they board a Busways service and tap off as they leave the bus.
Lost Property / School Services and Timetable enquiries
Busways & Blue Mountains Bus depot staff and Cityrail will be able to assist with lost property, school services and timetable enquiries.