Year 8 Electives
In Year 8 students are offered the unique opportunity to choose one elective. The TAS faculty offer the following subjects as part of the schools wide range of elective possibilities:
- Creative Cooking. In this subject students have the chance to be their own "Master Chefs". Students get the opportunity to cook a range of great recipes and hone their kitchen skills. This is a fun class and is purely to give students who like to cook the chance to practice and learn more about cooking.
- Wooden Toys. This is a fun opportunity for students to let their imagination take over. Students can use various tools and materials to make fun and creative wooden toys. This is a great opportunity for students who like to make things. A chance to be creative and expand their knowledge and skills in working with wood.
Year 9 & 10 Electives
In addition to the 6 core subjects English, Mathematics, Science, Geography, History and Personal Development/Health/Physical Education, students in Years 9 and 10 must choose two Board of Studies endorsed elective subjects. The TAS department is glad to offer the following exciting options for Board of Studies endorsed subjects for students to engage in their interest areas and develop new skills and knowledge. Subject on offer are:
- Child Studies
- Food Technology
- Industrial Technology Engineering (ITE)
- Industrial Technology Metal (ITM)
- Industrial Technology Timber (ITT)
- Information and Software Technology (IST)
- Textiles Technology
Preliminary and HSC Electives
The preliminary and HSC course presents a great opportunity for each student to choose subjects that interest them or areas that they may already be strong in. It may also be a chance to choose an elective that may be related to a future career path.
The TAS faculty offer both Board of Studies Endorsed subjects as well as subjects that are VET (Vocational and Educational Training) endorsed. VET courses are nationally recognised qualifications that students can build upon in later career development and study. All TAS subjects are valued by employers and give each student valuable work ready skills.
Subjects on offer are: (Note: Subjects on offer may vary due to the number of students choosing a particular subject.)
BOS Endorsed:
- Food Technology
- Information Processing Technology (IPT)
- Industrial Technology Timber and furniture (ITT)
- Software Design and Development (SDD)
VET Subjects
- Construction
- Information Technology
- Hospitality
Special Education
The TAS faculty offers many opportunities to engage students with special needs. In small classes students are able to work with timber, metal, electronics, plastics as well as textiles and food. The main focus is on new learning experiences which give each student the chance to develop life skills and to experience success and enjoyment in each project. Projects are tailored to the needs and interests of each class.
In addition to this some students, where suitable, may be incorporated into mainstream classes for electives. This is a great opportunity for support students to mix with other students in a mainstream setting on a casual basis. This can be very rewarding for each student as they often work outside of their comfort zone. Teaching and support staff monitor and assist each student to ensure maximum success within the classroom.