Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School

Aspire the Heights through Care, Opportunity and Success.

Telephone02 4728 7200

Parents and Citizens

The Nepean CAPA High School Parents & Citizens Association (P&C) would like to invite all parents and community members to our P&C Meetings. These meetings bring the school community together and are an excellent way of finding our more about the school and our chidren's learning.

Meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of the month during school terms. 

The meetings are normally held in the Staff Common Room from 7pm and finish at approximately 8:30pm with a light super.  

Come along and:

  • listen to our guest speakers
  • hear the latest school news
  • ask questions
  • help make decisions on P&C Leadership
  • support the school and contribute your views

The P&C also raises funds that help finance improvements to our school and provide additional resources.


The P&C executive

President: Kathy Howard
Secretary: Jo Jacobson