All students in Years 7-10 study Science (Stage 4 & 5). In Years 11 & 12 (Stage 6) students may choose to continue studying Science. Science subjects offered for Stage 6 include:
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Earth & Environmental Science
- Physics
- Senior Science
Through applying the processes of Working Scientifically, students use scientific inquiry to develop their understanding of the importance of science in their own lives and society, locally and globally. Through questioning and seeking solutions to problems, students develop an understanding of the relationship between science and technology and its importance in the current and future practice of science.
Stage 4
Students in Stage 4 complete six lessons of Science per fortnight. Students complete 5 assessment tasks over the year 2 of which include the Half Yearly and Yearly Examinations.
Students in Year 8 also complete the VALID (Validation of Assessment 4 Learning and Individual Development) test. VALID is an interactive, multimedia test completed entirely on a computer and contains multiple choice, short response and extended response tasks that are grouped around real-world issues, including scientific investigations. This is a diagnostic test, with tasks framed on Stage 4 outcomes and essential content in the NSW Science Years 7-10 Syllabus. Students will be tested on their:
- knowledge and understanding of science
- understanding and skills in the process of scientific investigation
- ability to evaluate evidence, make judgements and think critically
- ability to access information and communicate scientific ideas.
If your child has a disability that needs special consideration or has been educated in English for less than one year, or you require additional information, please contact the Head Teacher Science to duscuss special provisions or possible exemption from the test.
A personal report for each student will be sent to parents/carers to describe the science knowledge and skills demonstrated by the student in the test. There will also be information about how your child's results compared with overall performance of all students in the test. Information about each student is treated confidentially and held securely to ensure that the right to privacy of all students is maintained.
Stage 5
Students in Year 9 complete 6 lessons of Science per fortnight and students in Year 10 complete 7 lesson of Science per fortnight. Students complete 5 assessment tasks over the year 2 of which include the Half Yearly and Yearly Examinations. Students in Year 10 are required to complete a research project on a topic of their choice as a part of their formal assessment.
Stage 6
Students completing a Science subject in their senior years will have 7 lessons per fortnight and will be expected to study at home. Students complete 5 assessment tasks per year.
Please view the Opportunities tab to view information about the Science International Competition & Assessments for Schools (ICAS).