Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School

Aspire the Heights through Care, Opportunity and Success.

Telephone02 4728 7200

Year 7 Enrichment Class

Year 7 Enrichment Class 2026

Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School promotes engagement across the intellectual, creative, social-emotional and physical domains of giftedness and high potential.  We are committed to providing high quality differentiated learning experiences to support academic achievement and growth for all students, in all classrooms. 

To cater specifically to high potential and gifted students in the Intellectual domain, we offer an Enrichment Class for students who are academically gifted, or who show high academic potential.

In 2026, students who are successful in gaining entry to the Enrichment Class will be engaged in learning opportunities that challenge and inspire them to achieve and stretch their potential. Teachers of the enrichment class work together to provide the highest level of academic rigour and specialised learning programs.

Entry into the Year 7 Enrichment class is determined through both a Placement Test and an Application Form.

Placement Test:

The Australian Council of Educational Research General Ability Test (AGAT) is an online test to assess students’ general reasoning ability. Students will be provided with a computer to access this test at Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School. Testing takes 50 minutes and contains 30 – 40 questions.

The test assesses students’ reasoning skills in five areas: 

Verbal | Numerical | Abstract (Visual) | Kinetic | Spatial

Placement Test Date:

The placement test will be held on Thursday 29 and Friday 30 May 2025. Please note: Your child only needs to attend one of these days. You will be contacted with the date and time of your child’s test once applications have closed.

Application form:

The application form is an online document that we request both you and your child complete. There are three questions in the form that are required to be completed by your child. The questions are as follows:

1)      What specifically encouraged you to apply for the Enrichment Class at Nepean CAPA High School?

2)      If you are successful in gaining a place in the class, what are your goals as a learner at Nepean CAPA High School?

3)      How do you believe your unique capabilities and perspective would contribute to and enhance our school community?

Please also have the following documentation ready to upload with the form:

·         A headshot of your child

·         A teacher recommendation from the student’s classroom teacher

·         Medical Action Plan (only if medical attention is required during the testing)


Selection and Offers

The Year 7 2026 Enrichment class will be determined after close examination of the application form and test results. Offers will be made via email by Friday 4 July 2025.

Successful applicants will be required to respond via email to their invitation indicating whether they intend to accept their place in this program.

Successful applicants are required to uphold the the following expectations throughout their time in the Enrichment Class. Students are required to have:

·         A commitment to learning and developing skills in all classes

·         A commitment to engage in all tasks and activities

·         A commitment to be part of a team of high achieving students supporting each other as learners

Failure to uphold these expectations may result in movement from the Enrichment Class to a mainstream class.



If you are interested in applying for the 2026 Year 7 Enrichment Class, please click on the link below to complete the form and upload the required aspects of the application package.

The closing date for applications is Friday 16 May 2025.


Selection and Offers:

The Year 7 2025 Enrichment class will be determined after close examination of the application package and test results. Offers will be made via email by Friday 5 July.