Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School

Aspire the Heights through Care, Opportunity and Success.

Telephone02 4728 7200

Caring for Students

Change of Family Details form

In order for the school to maintain an accurate record of family details for each student, it is important that any change of address, telephone numbers and emergency contacts, in addition to changes in family status, guardianship and custody arrangements be notified promptly in writing to the Administration Office.

A Change of Details form can be downloaded or obtained from the Administration Office. Please note that this form requests parents' occupational and educational information. Parent occupational and educational information is required by the school to determine our FOEI score. The FOEI = Family, Occupational and Educational Index.

FOEI which reflects parental education and occupation information will be used to determine our funding for the next year. This information is essential to ensure we receive our maximum Government funding each year.

The Government will extract all required information from our school system at the end of Term 1 each year. We thank you for your assistance in this matter.