Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School

Aspire the Heights through Care, Opportunity and Success.

Telephone02 4728 7200


Our Library offers excellent opportunities for research, study and reading for pleasure. Our aim is to provide all members of the school community with equal access to information and resources in an environment, which promotes independent learning and growth. Parents are asked to encourage their children to make good and frequent use of the Library.

What your Librarian can do for you:

  • Provide assistance with research (this has many facets).
  • Provide assistance with information skill development.
  • Provide help with essay writing e.g. exposition text type.
  • Provide hints on time management and study skills.
  • Provide ‘How To...’ guides e.g. write a bibliography, in-text reference, note taking.
  • Provide resource lists for Preliminary & HSC.
  • Provide support with suggestions on good fiction reading.

Materials have been selected to cater for a wide range of interests, curriculum needs and student abilities. Emphasis is given to the acquisition of current materials, which are relevant to a range of student needs and reading levels. 

The Junior collection contains current, well-presented materials which students requested and are able to use. For senior students, the collection has been developed to provide a greater depth of information, which is well presented.  It also provides students with access to Syllabus documents, study guides, past HSC exam papers and topic reviews.

The Library is equipped with:

  • comprehensive computer network is available for students’ research and study during both breaks and lessons. Senior students may also use the designated senior study areas during study periods.
  • Fiction: includes new and exciting novels, picture books, graphic novels (anime/manga) and comics.
  • Magazines
  • Non-fiction: includes Reference material, dictionaries, atlases, past HSC exam papers (also available as an e-resource) and subject/topic specific texts for specific Preliminary and HSC topics.

Catalogue (OLIVER)
Our computer catalogue is a Department of Education program called OLIVER, which is easy to use. Students can access the catalogue 24 hours per day through their DET Portal.  Assistance with using the catalogue is readily available from library staff.

All books/magazines, except Reference books, may be borrowed by students. Students are to show their ID cards for all borrowing. Students are not permitted to borrow for others.

  • Year 7 - 10 students may borrow 3 items (either fiction or non-fiction) at any one time.
  • Year 11 - 12 students may borrow 6 items (either fiction or non-fiction) at any one time.
  • Loan period:  2 weeks only
  • Overdue items:  Students are reminded, via their roll call class, to return overdue items. These students will lose borrowing privileges until the overdue items are returned.  Lost items:  If a student loses a book its replacement must be paid for. 

Resources may be reserved by students via their OLIVER portal. Students should check to see if the item is available.

Photocopying and Printing
Students can access the Library photocopier; however, must obey the Copyright Laws displayed. The cost for photocopying is:

  • 10c for each black and white A4 page

Students are expected to be reading or working when in the Library. Students are encouraged to keep noise to a minimum, in consideration of others, who may be quietly reading or studying. No food or drink is to be brought inside the Library.

Opening Hours             

  • Monday           8am to 4pm
  • Tuesday           8am to 3pm
  • Wednesday     8am to 2.35pm
  • Thursday         8am to 4pm
  • Friday              8am to 3pm

The Library is open to students at recess and lunchtimes and for the Homework Centre on Monday and Thursday afternoons. Please note:  The Library may sometimes be closed due to conferences or workshops.