Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School

Aspire the Heights through Care, Opportunity and Success.

Telephone02 4728 7200

CAPA subject contributions

CAPA Subject Contributions

All CAPA subjects will incur an individual subject contribution. This will vary depending on the subject; however, may cover items such as consumables (e.g. paint, string, silks, paper, photocopying); costumes; props; texts and scripts (modules and software for modules); instruments and maintenance of class instruments.

In some cases external tutoring in advanced techniques such as Acrobatics and Ballet ensembles and companies will incur a separate contribution. This will cover the cost of costumes and performance requirements specifically designed for these ensembles.

We would like to stress the importance of your payment to the finances of our school. For the continued running of our CAPA programs it is important that all CAPA contributions be paid for as soon as possible, and preferably by the end of Term 1.

Ensemble and Company Costs
Payments towards Company and Ensemble will help defray the costs of ongoing maintenance and equipment, costumes and props, staging development, competition entry, copyright and licensing costs, workshops and casual replacement staff.

Voluntary School Contributions
Voluntary School Contributions are important in supplementing government funding. At the start of each year we ask for a voluntary school contribution to enhance our educational and sporting programs. Your support will help us to continue to provide quality teaching and learning for all students.